Millennium capital-Beijing

Beijing copper pot shabu-shabu-the inheritance and experience of culture that began in the Yuan Dynasty


Beijing copper pot shabu, is a favorite food of old Beijingers and tourists. Its history can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, has been hundreds of years of history. Copper pot shabu meat is not only a delicious dish, but also a cultural heritage and experience. Beijing copper pot shabu meat also carries a traditional food culture. In the process of shabu, you can learn about the selection, handling and cooking skills of ingredients. This hands-on experience will give you a deeper understanding of Chinese food culture and increase the fun and harvest of travel. Note: Beijing copper pot rinse meat is halal food, which is different from Chongqing hot pot. It is three fresh flavors and does not put chili. It is suitable for tourists who do not eat spicy food and children.

Beijing Forbidden City-World Cultural Heritage


The Forbidden City in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is also one of the most complete and largest wooden ancient buildings in China and the world. This palace is located in the center of the central axis of Beijing. It covers an area of about 720000 square meters and a construction area of about 150000 square meters. It has more than 70 large and small palaces and a large number of rooms. It is an important carrier of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization.

Braised, is a unique local traditional snack in Beijing


Braised, Beijing is a very distinctive local traditional snacks. Its name comes from its unique way of cooking-cooking. The origin of braised pork can be traced back to the Qing court, and it is said that it was formed after the improvement of a dish called Su Zao meat in the court. Su-made meat was originally a dish cooked with pork belly and a variety of spices, which was later introduced into the folk and improved to form what we are now familiar.

Encounter Chinese flavor: taste authentic Beijing roast duck


The capital of China-Beijing. Here, there is a unique cuisine, which has won the praise of global diners with its unique taste and exquisite cooking skills, that is, the famous Beijing roast duck. Tasting Beijing Roast Duck is not only a feast of taste buds, but also a cultural experience. In the cooking process of roast duck, you can feel the exquisite and unique Chinese traditional cooking skills. At the same time, in the process of tasting roast duck, you can also learn about Chinese food culture and table manners, and learn more about this ancient and vibrant country.

Summer Palace-a masterpiece of oriental royal garden art


The Summer Palace, a royal garden in the western suburbs of Beijing, China, is a masterpiece of Chinese garden art and one of the world's cultural heritages. The Summer Palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in the fifteenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1750). It was built by Emperor Qianlong to honor his mother and Chongqing Empress Dowager. This garden is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, modeled on the landscape of Hangzhou West Lake, and integrated the design techniques of Jiangnan gardens to form a large-scale landscape garden. The Summer Palace covers a vast area of about 3.009 square kilometers, of which the water occupies a 3/4 area.

The Great Wall of Beijing-Take you through one of the most magnificent and symbolic buildings in China


The Great Wall, as a military defense project in ancient China, is not only a treasure of ancient Chinese civilization, but also a treasure of world cultural heritage. It stretches across northern China for thousands of kilometers from east to west, like a giant dragon winding between the mountains, witnessing the vicissitudes of China's thousands of years of history. When you come to the section of the Great Wall in Beijing, you will first be shocked by its majestic momentum. The city walls here are tall and strong, with close and seamless masonry, as if they could withstand any foreign invasion. Standing on the city walls, you can overlook the endless mountains and vast plains, and feel the magnificence and vastness of nature.

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