Halal food

Beijing copper pot shabu-shabu-the inheritance and experience of culture that began in the Yuan Dynasty


Beijing copper pot shabu, is a favorite food of old Beijingers and tourists. Its history can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, has been hundreds of years of history. Copper pot shabu meat is not only a delicious dish, but also a cultural heritage and experience. Beijing copper pot shabu meat also carries a traditional food culture. In the process of shabu, you can learn about the selection, handling and cooking skills of ingredients. This hands-on experience will give you a deeper understanding of Chinese food culture and increase the fun and harvest of travel. Note: Beijing copper pot rinse meat is halal food, which is different from Chongqing hot pot. It is three fresh flavors and does not put chili. It is suitable for tourists who do not eat spicy food and children.

Xi 'an Beef with Wax Sauce (Halal): Unique Flavor of Ancient City


When you walk through the streets and alleys of Xi'an, the thousand-year-old capital, in addition to being attracted by its long history and rich culture, you must not miss the authentic delicacy of Xi'an beef sauce and roujiamo. Xi'an Wax Juice Beef and Rougamo is one of the most representative snacks in this city. It has won the hearts of countless diners with its unique taste and craftsmanship. First of all, the selection and marinating of Xi 'an beef and meat buns with wax juice are very particular. The selection of high-quality beef, after fine marinating and long-term drying, makes the beef meat mellow, delicious taste, and has a unique wax flavor. (Different from ordinary roujiamo, beef roujiamo with wax juice is made of fine beef)

Xi 'an mutton steamed bun (halal)


I 'd like to introduce you to a traditional delicacy from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China-Xi'an mutton steamed bun. It is a delicacy with a long history and unique flavor, which is deeply loved by local people and tourists from all over the country. Mutton steamed bun, known as "sheep soup" in ancient times, originated from the Western Zhou Dynasty and has a long history. Its production process is very fine, the selection of high-quality mutton and mutton chop suey, with a variety of spices and Chinese herbal medicine, after a long stew, so that the meat is tender, rich soup. During the cooking process, the fishy smell of mutton and haggis is completely neutralized and replaced by delicious meat and rich nutrition.

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