Before Departure

How to book a hotel in China? How to check into the hotel?

How to book a hotel in China? How to check into the hotel?

1: In China, not all hotels are open to foreigners. There are special "foreign-related hotels" that provide services to foreign friends. When booking a hotel, you need to pay attention to the distinction.

2: In China, foreign friends can use their “passport” to make hotel reservations and check-in.

3: Use the app commonly used by Chinese people to make hotel reservations. You can enjoy discounts and book hotels near tourist attractions.

4: If foreign friends live somewhere other than the hotel, such as a friend’s house, they need to report to the public security agency within 24 hours.

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How to Pay in China - Pay with Alipay

How to Pay in China - Pay with Alipay

In China, banknotes are rarely used wherever payment is required, whether in hotels, supermarkets, travel, street vendors, etc.

So before you arrive in China, you don’t need to exchange too many banknotes, you just need to prepare your credit card.

The two most popular payment methods in China: Alipay and WeChat Pay, these two payment methods can support credit or debit cards of the five major international cards: Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, Discover Global Network (including Diners Club), and JCB.

You only need to bind your credit card to Alipay or WeChat Pay app, and you can spend money anytime and anywhere in China.

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How to Pay in China – Pay with WeChat Pay

How to Pay in China – Pay with WeChat Pay

Preparation work: access the network, prepare smartphones (supports overseas mobile phone numbers, needs to receive SMS verification codes), ID documents (passport, etc.), and bank cards (supports overseas bank cards, Visa, Master, etc.).

In China, banknotes are rarely used wherever payment is required, whether in hotels, supermarkets, travel, street vendors, etc.

So before you arrive in China, you don’t need to exchange too many banknotes, you just need to prepare your credit card.

The two most popular payment methods in China: Alipay and WeChat Pay, these two payment methods can support credit or debit cards of the five major international cards: Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, Discover Global Network (including Diners Club), and JCB.

You only need to bind your credit card to Alipay or WeChat Pay app, and you can spend money anytime and anywhere in China.

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Travel and Transportation Use Guide for Foreigners in China

Travel and Transportation Use Guide for Foreigners in China

This article will introduce guidelines for foreigners to use public transportation in China, including planes, trains, subways, buses, taxis, etc., to help them better adapt to China's travel environment.

1: In China, air tickets, train tickets/high-speed rail tickets, ferry/ferry tickets, bus tickets, etc. can be reserved and purchased on mobile phones.

2: Air tickets, train tickets/high-speed rail tickets, ferry/ferry tickets, bus tickets and other transportation vehicles can be purchased and taken with passports.

3: Transportation in the city (subway, bus, taxi, etc.) can be paid by mobile phone without any change.

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