Historic Landscape

Beijing Forbidden City-World Cultural Heritage


The Forbidden City in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is also one of the most complete and largest wooden ancient buildings in China and the world. This palace is located in the center of the central axis of Beijing. It covers an area of about 720000 square meters and a construction area of about 150000 square meters. It has more than 70 large and small palaces and a large number of rooms. It is an important carrier of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization.

Datang City that never sleeps-"Xi 'an during the day and Chang 'an at night", crossing back to the prosperous Tang Dynas...


In Xi'an, the ancient capital of China, there is a scenic spot that symbolizes the glory of the Tang Dynasty, and that is the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty. Located near the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, this charming tourist attraction is famous for its Tang Dynasty architectural style, unique cultural atmosphere and brightly lit night scenes. The construction and development of the city that never sleeps not only witnessed the historical changes of Xi'an, but also demonstrated the prosperity of modern tourism.

Exploring the charm of a thousand-year-old capital -- A trip to the ancient city of Xi'an


Welcome to Xi'an, a city full of historical and cultural charm. As one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization, the ancient city of Xi'an carries the memory of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is an excellent place for you to experience Chinese culture and appreciate the historical charm.

Hangzhou Lingyin Temple-exploring Lingyin Zen

Hangzhou Lingyin Temple-exploring Lingyin Zen


When you set foot on this poetic and legendary land in Hangzhou, there is an ancient and solemn temple waiting for your visit-that is Lingyin Temple. As one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen, Lingyin Temple not only carries profound Buddhist culture, but also attracts tourists from all over the world with its quiet environment and unique architectural style. Lingyin Temple, founded in the period of Xianhe in Eastern Jin Dynasty, has a history of about 1,700 years. This temple is one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen. In history, many monks practiced here, leaving rich Buddhist cultural heritage. Today, Lingyin Temple has become an important Buddhist holy land in Hangzhou and even China, attracting many believers and tourists to worship and visit.

Hongya Cave, Chongqing-A Treasure of History and the Fusion of Modernity


Chongqing, a collection of history, culture and modern style in one of the tourist attractions, it is the famous Hongya Cave. Hongya Cave, formerly known as Hongyamen, is one of the ancient gates of Chongqing, located at 88 Binjiang Road, Jialing River, Yuzhong District, Chongqing. It is not only a witness to the history of Chongqing, but also one of the birthplaces of Bayu culture. According to historical records, during the Warring States period, after Qin Zhangyi destroyed Ba, he built Ba County, and Hongyamen was born. After thousands of years of vicissitudes of wind and rain, Hongya Cave still stands, telling the past and changes of Chongqing.

Kuanzhai Alley-Explore the cultural treasures of Chengdu


Kuanzhai Alley-This is an antique neighborhood, consisting of three parallel rows of old-fashioned urban streets, namely, Kuanzhai Alley, Narrow Alley and Well Alley, and the courtyard communities between them. It is not only a historical and cultural reserve in Chengdu, but also an excellent place for tourists to experience Chengdu life where tradition and modernity blend. The history of Kuanzhai Alley can be traced back to the Kangxi years of the Qing Dynasty. After the settlement of the Junggar Rebellion, it was selected as the residence of the officers and soldiers of the eight banners of Manchu and Mongolia, forming a unique Manchu architectural style. With the passage of time, Kuanzhai Alley has gradually become a symbol of Chengdu's history and culture, and every brick and tile carries a profound historical heritage.

Shanghai Bund-Witness the glory of history and modernity.


The Bund, located on the banks of the Huangpu River in Huangpu District, Shanghai, starts from Yan'an East Road in the south and Waibaidu Bridge in the north, with a total length of about 1.5 kilometers. This is not only a Chinese historical and cultural district, but also a gathering place of important historical sites and representative buildings in modern China. Since the opening of Shanghai in 1843, the Bund has gradually become the financial, trade and commercial center of Shanghai, witnessing the transformation of Shanghai from a small fishing village to an international metropolis.

Shanghai Yuyuan Garden-the bright pearl of classical gardens


In prosperous Shanghai, there are not only modern high-rise buildings, but also classical gardens-Yu Garden, which carries profound history and culture. I will show you the charm of this famous Jiangnan garden with a history of more than four hundred years. Entering Yuyuan Garden, you seem to have traveled through time and space and returned to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The park's pavilions are jagged, the mountains and rocks are towering, and the lakes are full of classical charm. The design of Yu Garden is exquisite and the layout is exquisite. It is famous for its quiet and beautiful, exquisite and exquisite. It has the characteristics of seeing the big in the small, and is known as "Qixiujia Jiangnan. Here, you can admire the jade exquisite, one of the three famous stones in the south of the Yangtze River, and historical sites such as the Dianchuntang, the command post of the Xiaodao uprising in 1853.

Summer Palace-a masterpiece of oriental royal garden art


The Summer Palace, a royal garden in the western suburbs of Beijing, China, is a masterpiece of Chinese garden art and one of the world's cultural heritages. The Summer Palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in the fifteenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1750). It was built by Emperor Qianlong to honor his mother and Chongqing Empress Dowager. This garden is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, modeled on the landscape of Hangzhou West Lake, and integrated the design techniques of Jiangnan gardens to form a large-scale landscape garden. The Summer Palace covers a vast area of about 3.009 square kilometers, of which the water occupies a 3/4 area.

The Great Wall of Beijing-Take you through one of the most magnificent and symbolic buildings in China


The Great Wall, as a military defense project in ancient China, is not only a treasure of ancient Chinese civilization, but also a treasure of world cultural heritage. It stretches across northern China for thousands of kilometers from east to west, like a giant dragon winding between the mountains, witnessing the vicissitudes of China's thousands of years of history. When you come to the section of the Great Wall in Beijing, you will first be shocked by its majestic momentum. The city walls here are tall and strong, with close and seamless masonry, as if they could withstand any foreign invasion. Standing on the city walls, you can overlook the endless mountains and vast plains, and feel the magnificence and vastness of nature.

The Humble Administrator's Garden of Suzhou-Treasures of Chinese classical gardens


Humble Administrator Garden, as one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, is also an outstanding representative of Chinese classical gardens. Located in Gusu district, Suzhou city, it was founded in the year of the Ming Dynasty and was the representative of private gardens in Southern Yangtze. The name of Humble Administrator's Garden comes from the "garden with vegetables" in "leisure residence Fu" of Pan Yue in the West Jin Dynasty, for meals in the morning and evening...... It means the owner's attitude towards life of pursuing seclusion and self-enjoyment.

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors-A Wonderful Journey Through Time and Space


The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, are located in the terracotta warriors and horses pit 1.5 kilometers east of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. These lifelike terracotta figures are part of the mausoleum built by Qin Shihuang for himself and are known as the "eighth wonder of the world". Terracotta warriors are divided into soldiers, horses, chariots and other types, they are in accordance with the war when the army is arranged firing, large-scale, majestic.

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