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Biangbiang Noodles/Belt Noodles-Tasting Qin Dynasty Cuisine


Biangbiang noodles in Xi'an is a unique and delicious traditional pasta dish that is deeply loved by local residents and foreign tourists. Because of its use of lasagna (about 2cm), similar to the belt, also known as: belt surface. The history of Biangbiang can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty. At that time, Qin Jun fought for years. In order to let the soldiers eat delicious noodles from their hometown, a clever cook came up with a method of beating noodles, which formed the embryonic form of Biangbiang noodles. Nowadays, Biangbiang noodles have become one of the special snacks in Xi'an area and are loved by tourists. Note: Some restaurants will use pig head as a side dish. If halal is required, please inform the service personnel in advance.

Datang City that never sleeps-"Xi 'an during the day and Chang 'an at night", crossing back to the prosperous Tang Dynas...


In Xi'an, the ancient capital of China, there is a scenic spot that symbolizes the glory of the Tang Dynasty, and that is the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty. Located near the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, this charming tourist attraction is famous for its Tang Dynasty architectural style, unique cultural atmosphere and brightly lit night scenes. The construction and development of the city that never sleeps not only witnessed the historical changes of Xi'an, but also demonstrated the prosperity of modern tourism.

Exploring the charm of a thousand-year-old capital -- A trip to the ancient city of Xi'an


Welcome to Xi'an, a city full of historical and cultural charm. As one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization, the ancient city of Xi'an carries the memory of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is an excellent place for you to experience Chinese culture and appreciate the historical charm.

Qinzhen Rice Pi: Traditional Gourmet Treasure of Shaanxi


When it comes to Chinese cuisine, especially pasta snacks in the northwest, Qinzhen Mipi is undoubtedly a bright pearl. With its long history, unique taste and delicious taste, it has attracted countless diners, including us foreigners who love to explore the world's cuisine. Qin Town Rice Pi, also known as Qin Town Rice Pi, is a traditional food in Qin Town, Huxian County, Shaanxi Province. Its production history can be traced back to more than 2000 years ago. After several generations of inheritance and improvement, it has become a local food business card. Qinzhen rice skin and rice noodles as raw materials, after careful production, showing a delicate and elastic unique taste.

Xi 'an Beef with Wax Sauce (Halal): Unique Flavor of Ancient City


When you walk through the streets and alleys of Xi'an, the thousand-year-old capital, in addition to being attracted by its long history and rich culture, you must not miss the authentic delicacy of Xi'an beef sauce and roujiamo. Xi'an Wax Juice Beef and Rougamo is one of the most representative snacks in this city. It has won the hearts of countless diners with its unique taste and craftsmanship. First of all, the selection and marinating of Xi 'an beef and meat buns with wax juice are very particular. The selection of high-quality beef, after fine marinating and long-term drying, makes the beef meat mellow, delicious taste, and has a unique wax flavor. (Different from ordinary roujiamo, beef roujiamo with wax juice is made of fine beef)

Xi 'an mutton steamed bun (halal)


I 'd like to introduce you to a traditional delicacy from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China-Xi'an mutton steamed bun. It is a delicacy with a long history and unique flavor, which is deeply loved by local people and tourists from all over the country. Mutton steamed bun, known as "sheep soup" in ancient times, originated from the Western Zhou Dynasty and has a long history. Its production process is very fine, the selection of high-quality mutton and mutton chop suey, with a variety of spices and Chinese herbal medicine, after a long stew, so that the meat is tender, rich soup. During the cooking process, the fishy smell of mutton and haggis is completely neutralized and replaced by delicious meat and rich nutrition.

Xi'an Roujiamo


Xi'an Roujiamo is a special food of Xi'an with a long history and unique flavor. It is mainly composed of bacon and baiji steamed buns, which set off each other and bring their respective tastes to the extreme.

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors-A Wonderful Journey Through Time and Space


The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, are located in the terracotta warriors and horses pit 1.5 kilometers east of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. These lifelike terracotta figures are part of the mausoleum built by Qin Shihuang for himself and are known as the "eighth wonder of the world". Terracotta warriors are divided into soldiers, horses, chariots and other types, they are in accordance with the war when the army is arranged firing, large-scale, majestic.

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