"Land of Abundance"-Chengdu

Chengdu alms chicken-a Sichuan cuisine with excellent color, flavor and flavor


When you come to Chengdu, the food capital of China, there is an authentic snack you can't miss, that is alms-bowl chicken. The alms-bowl chicken is not only one of the representative delicacies of Chengdu, but also contains the unique food culture and flavor of Sichuan. The name of the alms chicken comes from its unique way of dressing and raw materials. Traditionally, this dish involves shredding cooked chicken into shreds or small pieces, then serving it in a clay bowl and dripping it with a special spicy seasoning. Seasonings are usually mixed with pepper oil, chili, garlic, soy sauce and other spices, emitting an attractive aroma.

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding-Close Contact with National Treasure


Chengdu, a beautiful city, is famous for its leisurely lifestyle and various cuisines. But here, there is another place that attracts the world's attention, and that is the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. This is not only the home of giant pandas, but also the best place for people to get close to and understand these national treasures. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is located in Chenghua District of Chengdu, only 10 kilometers from the city center. This research base, which covers an area of about XXX mu, is a world-famous giant panda ex-situ conservation base, scientific research and breeding base, public education base and education and tourism base. Since its establishment in 1987, the base has been dedicated to the protection and breeding of giant pandas, as well as red pandas and other endangered wild animals endemic to China.

Dandan Noodles-a classic choice in Chengdu cuisine


When you set foot on the warm land of Chengdu, there is a delicious food you must not miss, that is, Dandan Noodles, which is famous at home and abroad. This traditional snack has conquered the taste buds of countless diners with its unique hemp, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and has become a business card of Sichuan food culture. Dandan noodles, as the name implies, were originally pasta sold on the streets by bearers carrying burdens. Today, although it has entered the restaurant, but the street charm and traces of history are still unabated. A bowl of authentic Dandan noodles is not only a delicious meal, but also a cultural experience.

Kuanzhai Alley-Explore the cultural treasures of Chengdu


Kuanzhai Alley-This is an antique neighborhood, consisting of three parallel rows of old-fashioned urban streets, namely, Kuanzhai Alley, Narrow Alley and Well Alley, and the courtyard communities between them. It is not only a historical and cultural reserve in Chengdu, but also an excellent place for tourists to experience Chengdu life where tradition and modernity blend. The history of Kuanzhai Alley can be traced back to the Kangxi years of the Qing Dynasty. After the settlement of the Junggar Rebellion, it was selected as the residence of the officers and soldiers of the eight banners of Manchu and Mongolia, forming a unique Manchu architectural style. With the passage of time, Kuanzhai Alley has gradually become a symbol of Chengdu's history and culture, and every brick and tile carries a profound historical heritage.

String incense-the unique flavor of Sichuan street


In the bustling streets of Chengdu, you can always be attracted by a kind of aroma, that is, the attractive taste of string incense. String incense, as the name implies, is a kind of special snack that strings all kinds of ingredients on bamboo sticks and then cooks. It is not only delicious and delicious, but also full of human feelings on the streets and lanes. It is an indispensable part of Chengdu's food culture. The choice of ingredients is very rich, from meat to seafood, from vegetables to soy products, everything. You can choose and match according to your taste. These ingredients are skillfully strung on bamboo sticks, which not only facilitates cooking, but also adds a pleasure to eating.

Taikoo Li-the perfect blend of ancient and modern


A unique landmark that combines history, culture, fashion and cuisine-Taikoo Li. This is the intersection of traditional Chinese culture and modern fashion, where you will experience an unprecedented oriental charm. Taikoo Li, this name may be a little strange to you for the first time, but it has become an iconic location in China, especially in Chengdu. Taikoo Li not only retains the ancient streets and traditional architectural style, but also integrates modern design elements, which makes it have a sense of history and fashion.

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