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Braised, is a unique local traditional snack in Beijing

  • Product Code: beijing-006

Tags: Beijing braised boiled braised boiled fire Chinese cuisine Chinese snacks local specialties local snacks unique snacks the ancient capital of Beijing Beijing tourism guide Beijing famous scenic spots Beijing cuisine

Braised, Beijing is a very distinctive local traditional snacks. Its name comes from its unique way of cooking-cooking. The origin of braised pork can be traced back to the Qing court, and it is said that it was formed after the improvement of a dish called Su Zao meat in the court. Su-made meat was originally a dish cooked with pork belly and a variety of spices, which was later introduced into the folk and improved to form what we are now familiar.

Braised, Beijing is a unique local traditional snack. Its name comes from its unique way of cooking-cooking. The origin of braised pork can be traced back to the Qing court, and it is said that it was formed after the improvement of a dish called Su Zao meat in the court. Su-made meat was originally a dish cooked with pork belly and a variety of spices, which was later introduced into the folk and improved to form what we are now familiar.

Beijing braised stew

The main ingredients of braised pork include pork intestines and pork lungs. These ingredients need to be carefully cleaned and processed before cooking to ensure their taste and taste. During the cooking process, a variety of spices and seasonings will be added, such as star anise, pepper, cinnamon, bean paste, etc. These seasonings will make the braised taste more mellow and memorable.

Beijing braised stew

Another feature of the marinated sauce is served with fire. The fire is a flour-baked cake that tastes crispy and contrasts with the mellow aroma of the marinade, making the whole dish more flavorful. The production of fire also requires certain skills. The surface should be hard, roll it into a round shape, and bake it until both sides are slightly browned.

When you taste the marinade, you will feel the rich aroma. The tenacity of pig intestines and lungs is intertwined with the refreshing taste of tofu, which is unstoppable. With a bite of fire, the crispness of the flour cake and the rich flavor of the marinade spread out in the mouth, which is even more memorable.

Beijing braised stew

As a traditional snack in Beijing, braised pork has a history of hundreds of years. It is not only a part of the daily life of Beijingers, but also one of the delicacies that many tourists must taste when they come to Beijing. I hope you can feel the unique charm of Beijing while tasting the braised pork.

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