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Xi 'an Beef with Wax Sauce (Halal): Unique Flavor of Ancient City

  • Product Code: xian-006

Tags: Chinese food Chinese snacks local snacks Chinese staple food Chinese lunch Chinese cuisine halal food halal snacks

When you walk through the streets and alleys of Xi'an, the thousand-year-old capital, in addition to being attracted by its long history and rich culture, you must not miss the authentic delicacy of Xi'an beef sauce and roujiamo. Xi'an Wax Juice Beef and Rougamo is one of the most representative snacks in this city. It has won the hearts of countless diners with its unique taste and craftsmanship. First of all, the selection and marinating of Xi 'an beef and meat buns with wax juice are very particular. The selection of high-quality beef, after fine marinating and long-term drying, makes the beef meat mellow, delicious taste, and has a unique wax flavor. (Different from ordinary roujiamo, beef roujiamo with wax juice is made of fine beef)

When you stroll through the streets of Xi'an, this thousand-year-old ancient capital, in addition to being attracted by its long history and rich culture, you must not miss tasting Xi'an's authentic delicacy, Beef Roujiamo with Cured Sauce.

Making beef steamed buns with cured sauce

Xi'an beef meat buns with cured sauce are one of the city's most representative snacks. It has won the hearts of countless diners with its unique taste and production process. First of all, the selection and marinating of cured beef are very particular. The finest beef is selected, carefully marinated and dried for a long time, making the beef mellow, delicious and with a unique wax aroma.

The next step is to make steamed buns. The steamed buns in Xi'an are different from those in other places. They are thicker and chewier. Using high-quality flour, after mixing, fermenting, kneading, baking and other processes, the steamed buns are finally made into golden and crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.


When steamed buns and cured beef met, this delicious steamed bun with cured beef was born. Cut the steamed bun in the middle, add the sliced cured beef, and sprinkle with some chopped green onion, coriander and other seasonings. A cured beef steamed bun with good color, flavor and flavor is completed. With every bite, you can feel the crispiness of the buns and the mellowness of the beef, coupled with the fragrance of chopped green onion, it is endless aftertaste.

You can find this delicacy in many places in Xi'an. Whether it is a time-honored shop or a small street vendor, you can taste the authentic Xi'an beef and meat buns with cured sauce. Different shops and stalls will also bring different tastes and flavors due to differences in production techniques and seasonings.


In addition to being a delicacy, Xi'an's cured beef roujiamo also carries the culture and history of the city. It represents the Xi'an people's love and pursuit of food, and also reflects the city's profound cultural heritage and historical accumulation. When you taste this delicacy, you will not only satisfy your taste buds, but also feel the unique charm and style of this city.

So, when you come to Xi'an, don't miss this delicious cured beef steamed bun. It is sure to be a highlight and unforgettable memory of your trip.

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