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Hangzhou Lingyin Temple-exploring Lingyin Zen

  • Product Code: hangzhou-002

Tags: Hangzhou Lingyin Temple Lingyin Temple Hangzhou Hangzhou tourism Hangzhou scenic spots Hangzhou cuisine Chinese tourist attractions Chinese tourist attractions historical scenic spots museums historical relics

When you set foot on this poetic and legendary land in Hangzhou, there is an ancient and solemn temple waiting for your visit-that is Lingyin Temple. As one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen, Lingyin Temple not only carries profound Buddhist culture, but also attracts tourists from all over the world with its quiet environment and unique architectural style. Lingyin Temple, founded in the period of Xianhe in Eastern Jin Dynasty, has a history of about 1,700 years. This temple is one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen. In history, many monks practiced here, leaving rich Buddhist cultural heritage. Today, Lingyin Temple has become an important Buddhist holy land in Hangzhou and even China, attracting many believers and tourists to worship and visit.

when you set foot on this poetic and legendary land in Hangzhou, there is an ancient and solemn temple waiting for your visit-that is Lingyin Temple. As one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen, Lingyin Temple not only carries profound Buddhist culture, but also attracts tourists from all over the world with its quiet environment and unique architectural style.

1. It has a long history and profound cultural heritage

Lingyin Temple, founded in the period of salty and Eastern Jin Dynasty, has a history of about 1,700 years. This temple is one of the birthplaces of Chinese Buddhist Zen. In history, many monks practiced here, leaving rich Buddhist cultural heritage. Today, Lingyin Temple has become an important Buddhist holy land in Hangzhou and even China, attracting many believers and tourists to worship and visit.

II. Quiet environment and beautiful natural scenery

Lingyin Temple is located between Feilai Peak and the North Peak on the Bank of West Lake in Hangzhou, with water on the back of the mountain and quiet environment. The temple is surrounded by trees and mountains with pleasant scenery. Here, you can feel the tranquility and peace away from the hustle and bustle of the city, listen to the ancient temple bells and taste Zen life.

iii. Unique architectural style, simple and elegant

The architectural style of Lingyin Temple is simple and elegant, with strong Buddhist color. The main buildings in the temple include the Hall of Great Heroes, the Hall of medicine teachers, the Hall of Ji Gong, etc. Each building is unique and reflects the exquisite skills of ancient craftsmen. In addition, the temple also holds a large number of Buddhist cultural relics and ancient books, allowing you to deeply understand the extensive and profound Buddhist culture while visiting.

IV. Legend of Ji Gong adds legendary color

Lingyin Temple is closely connected with the legend of Ji Gong. Ji Gong was a monk in the Southern Song Dynasty, and he was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his humorous and humorous image and his intelligence and courage. In Lingyin Temple, you can hear stories about Ji Gong and feel the legendary life of this monk. At the same time, the temple also has the Temple of Ji Gong, which honors the statues of Ji Gong, giving tourists the opportunity to get in close contact with this legendary figure.

V. Rich Buddhist activities and experience meditation culture

Lingyin Temple is not only a tourist attraction, but also a place for Buddhist practice. Here, you can take part in various Buddhist activities, such as chanting sutras, meditation, listening and so on, and have a deep understanding of Buddhist culture and practice methods. In addition, there is also a meditation experience area in the temple, which provides tourists with rare meditation opportunities and allows you to experience the unique charm of meditation culture during a short trip.

In short, Lingyin Temple is a tourist attraction integrating natural scenery, history and culture, and Buddhist culture. Here, you can feel the solemnity and mystery of ancient temples and the extensive and profound Buddhist culture. Whether you are a believer or a tourist, you will leave unforgettable memories in Lingyin Temple.

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