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Biangbiang Noodles/Belt Noodles-Tasting Qin Dynasty Cuisine

  • Product Code: xian-008

Tags: Biangbiang noodles trouser belt noodles Chinese cuisine Chinese snacks local snacks Chinese staple food Chinese lunch Chinese cuisine Xi'an history Xi'an attractions Xi'an cuisine

Biangbiang noodles in Xi'an is a unique and delicious traditional pasta dish that is deeply loved by local residents and foreign tourists. Because of its use of lasagna (about 2cm), similar to the belt, also known as: belt surface. The history of Biangbiang can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty. At that time, Qin Jun fought for years. In order to let the soldiers eat delicious noodles from their hometown, a clever cook came up with a method of beating noodles, which formed the embryonic form of Biangbiang noodles. Nowadays, Biangbiang noodles have become one of the special snacks in Xi'an area and are loved by tourists. Note: Some restaurants will use pig head as a side dish. If halal is required, please inform the service personnel in advance.

Biangbiang noodle in Xi'an is a unique and delicious traditional pasta dish, which is deeply loved by local residents and foreign tourists. Because of its use of lasagna (about 2cm), similar to the belt, also known as: belt surface.

Biangbiang noodles (Chinese pinyin: biángbiáng miàn) is a Han traditional flavor pasta in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi province. it is named after the sound of "biang, biang" in the production process.


Its noodles are usually wide and long, can be as thick as a coin, can also be as thin as cicada wings, taste strong. The raw material for making Biangbiang noodles is mainly flour, which is made into dough through the steps of mixing noodles, waxing, kneading and pressing, and then pulled into thick noodles by hand. In the cooking process, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, pepper and other seasonings are added, and toppings such as saozi or fried spicy pepper are added to make the Biangbiang noodles rich in taste and rich in taste.

In addition, Biangbiang noodles also contain profound cultural heritage, representing the bold and unrestrained masculinity and frank spirit of Shaanxi people. In the Xi'an area, Biangbiang noodles are a very popular specialty snack, attracting many tourists to come to taste.


Cultural background:

The history of Biangbiang can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty. At that time, Qin Jun fought for years. In order to let the soldiers eat delicious noodles from their hometown, a clever cook came up with a method of beating noodles, which formed the embryonic form of Biangbiang noodles. Nowadays, Biangbiang noodles have become one of the special snacks in Xi'an area and are loved by tourists.


recommend taste:

In the streets of Xi'an, you can find many restaurants and food stalls selling Biangbiang. When you taste this delicious pasta, you might as well try to match it with some local snacks, such as Roujiamo, Liangpi, etc., so that your taste buds can fully experience the food culture of Xi'an.

In short, Biangbiang noodles in Xi'an are a charming traditional pasta, both in terms of taste and cultural background. If you come to Xi'an tourism, may wish to taste this delicious food, feel its unique charm.

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