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Huanglong Cave Tourist Area-Feel the unique natural landscape, a long history of legends

  • Product Code: zhangjiajie-003

Tags: Huanglong Cave World Wonders of Karst Cave China's popular tourist cities tourist gathering areas popular attractions Zhangjiajie Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Avatar Park China's tourist attractions China's tourist attractions natural landscapes natural forests special landforms

Huanglong Cave is located in the Wulingyuan Scenic Area of Zhangjiajie and is one of the world natural heritage sites. It is famous for its huge three-dimensional structure cave space and rich cave landscape, and is known as the "world cave wonder". The calcareous sediments such as stalactites, stalagmites and stone mantles in the cave are of different forms, forming exquisite underground pictures. In particular, the landscapes such as "Dinghai Shenzhen", "Ten Thousand Years Cedar" and "Dragon King Throne" in the cave are even more breathtaking.

With its unique natural landscape, long history and rich cultural connotations, Huanglong Cave has attracted countless domestic and foreign tourists to explore its secrets.

1. natural wonders

Huanglong Cave is located in Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie, is one of the world's natural heritage sites. It is famous for its huge three-dimensional structure cave space and rich cave landscape, and is known as the "world cave wonder". The calcareous sediments such as stalactites, stalagmites and stone mantles in the cave are of different forms, forming exquisite underground pictures. In particular, the landscapes such as "Dinghai Shenzhen", "Ten Thousand Years Cedar" and "Dragon King Throne" in the cave are even more breathtaking.

2. History & Culture

Huanglong Cave is not only a unique natural landscape, but also contains rich historical and cultural connotations. According to expert research, about 0.38 billion years ago, the area where Huanglong Cave was located was a vast ocean, and highly soluble limestone and dolomite formations were deposited. With the uplift of the earth's crust and the dissolution of water flow, the Huanglong Cave of today was gradually formed. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was also a legend that the famous mage He Junru led his disciples into the cave to beg for rain, and eventually died, which added a bit of mystery to the Huanglong Cave.

3. tour experience

To visit Huanglong Cave, you can choose to walk or take a sightseeing bus in the cave. Walking tour can enjoy a variety of unique stalactite landscape in the cave and feel the magical charm of nature. And take the sightseeing bus can be more quickly to visit the entire scenic area, save energy. During the tour, you can also hear professional commentators introduce you to the historical, cultural and geological background of Huanglong Cave, allowing you to have a deeper understanding of this mysterious place.

Attractions around 4.

In addition to the Yellow Dragon Cave itself, there are many surrounding attractions worth visiting. For example, you can go to the Wulingyuan Scenic Area not far from Huanglong Cave to enjoy more natural beauty; you can also go to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park to experience the fun of hiking through the virgin forest. In addition, in the ecological square near Huanglong Cave, you can also enjoy the wonderful new folk music show "Yanyu Zhangjiajie" and feel the unique charm of Chinese minority culture.

In a word, Huanglong Cave Tourist Area is a tourist attraction integrating natural beauty, history and culture, and adventure experience. Whether you want to explore the mysteries of nature or learn about traditional Chinese culture, you can find satisfaction here. We sincerely invite you to come to Huanglongdong tourist area, feel the mysterious and beautiful place to bring you surprise and shock!

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