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Chengdu alms chicken-a Sichuan cuisine with excellent color, flavor and flavor

  • Product Code: chengdu-006

Tags: alms-bowl chicken chinese cuisine chinese snacks local specialties local snacks unique snacks chengdu chengdu tourism chengdu attractions chengdu cuisine

When you come to Chengdu, the food capital of China, there is an authentic snack you can't miss, that is alms-bowl chicken. The alms-bowl chicken is not only one of the representative delicacies of Chengdu, but also contains the unique food culture and flavor of Sichuan. The name of the alms chicken comes from its unique way of dressing and raw materials. Traditionally, this dish involves shredding cooked chicken into shreds or small pieces, then serving it in a clay bowl and dripping it with a special spicy seasoning. Seasonings are usually mixed with pepper oil, chili, garlic, soy sauce and other spices, emitting an attractive aroma.

When you come to Chengdu, the gourmet capital of China, there is an authentic snack you can't miss, that is, alms-bowl chicken. The alms-bowl chicken is not only one of the representative delicacies of Chengdu, but also contains the unique food culture and flavor of Sichuan.

The name of the alms-bowl chicken comes from its unique way of dressing and raw materials. Traditionally, this dish involves shredding cooked chicken into shreds or small pieces, then serving it in a clay bowl and dripping it with a special spicy seasoning. Seasonings are usually mixed with pepper oil, chili, garlic, soy sauce and other spices, emitting an attractive aroma.

Taste the bowl chicken, you will first be attracted by the bright color. The red and bright seasoning covers the chicken, contrasting with the emerald green scallions and coriander, which greatly increases the appetite. When you pick up a piece of chicken with chopsticks, the spicy and delicious taste will immediately fill your mouth. The tender and tender chicken is perfectly combined with the rich seasoning, which makes you intoxicated.

In addition to delicious, alms-bowl chicken also carries the profound food culture of Sichuan. Sichuan people love spicy taste and are good at using various seasonings to create a rich taste. The alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms-alms.

In Chengdu, you can find this delicacy in the major night markets or snack streets. Whether as an appetizer or as a staple with rice, the alms can give you an unforgettable culinary experience.

In addition, while tasting the alms-bowl chicken, you can also try to match some Sichuan snacks, such as spicy bean flowers, string incense, etc., so that your taste buds can enjoy the Sichuan food tour more.

So, when you come to Chengdu, you might as well try this delicious Chengdu alms chicken. It will take you to appreciate the unique flavor of Sichuan snacks and feel the charm and enthusiasm of the city of Chengdu. Let alms-alms-alms-alms-chicken become an unforgettable gourmet memory during your trip to Sichuan!

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